The boy and the windmill

Photos: Erik Hersman

 I want to tell you about a boy named William. He lives in Malawi. It is a country in Africa. In the photo hes making a windmill (طاحونة / yel değirmeni ). When William was 14 his family became very poor (مسكين / yoksul ). For a long time there was no rain. His family could not grow food. Williams father did not have the money to pay (للدفع / ödemek) for school. William had to leave (يغادر / ayrılmak) school. He was very sad.

But William did not complain (يشتكي / şikayet etmek). He did not stop learning. Every day he walked to the library to read books. He taught (teach / öğretmek) himself English. Then he learned about electricity (كهرباء). He used (ليستخدم / kullanmak) what he learned to help his village.
In the library he found a book called, Using Energy. The book showed (ليعرض / göstermek için) how windmills can make electricity. William searched (للبحث / aramak için ) for parts to make a windmill. 

He found old bicycles, wire (الأسلاك / tel ), and pieces of metal (فلز /metal parçalar). With these things he made a windmill. But everyone laughed at him! They said he was mentally ill (مريض عقليا / akıl hastası). The people in the village said he must be sent away!  It was very hard (صعبة / zor ) for William when people said he was crazy. But he did not quit (ليستقيل / bırakmak).  

After 2 months, William finished (تم الانتهاء من / bitirmek için) his first windmill! It was made of plastic pipes (أنابيب بلاستيكية / plastik borular ), parts of old tractors ( الجرارات / traktörler ), bicycles, and motorcycles (دراجات نارية / motosikletler ). Electricity from the windmill let William's family use a radio and a light bulb. The villagers could not believe (لتصدق / inanmak ) it! William found a way to give his family electricity. For the first time his family had light at night. They could read and work at night. William built 4 more windmills. His whole village now has electricity and an electric water pump ( مضخة مياه كهربائية / su pompası).

   William’s life shows that success (نجاح /başarı) does not come from where you live or what you have. Success comes from working hard. It comes from believing in your ideas. William once said, “Do not insult (للإهانة / hakaret etmek) me today because I am poor. You do not know what my future (مستقبل / gelecek ) will be!”